Press release: Record numbers at Sevenoaks Youth Café

Published: 17 January 2025


Youth activities in Sevenoaks are booming with more young people than ever before coming along to the range of activities and clubs at the House in The Basement (HiTB) youth café.

Numbers attending in 2024 were the highest they have been, with many new faces at both SEN (Special Educational Needs) club events and regular HitB evenings, according to manager and youth worker Daren Mountain.
The latest figures show that during November, 263 young people came to the youth café in the basement of the Stag Theatre. Of these, 40 were new to House in the Basement, and 41 came to the SEN club which is run weekly. HiTB, run by Sevenoaks Town Council, is a welcoming and free space for young people aged 11-17. This vibrant facility was brought to life through the active involvement of local youth and has qualified youth workers.
Special events include Open Mic nights (next one is January 31 with free pizza for performers!), darts tournament (the last Wednesday of the month) and pool tournaments, Warhammer assembly, cookery sessions, and more. The recent Christmas Party saw 35 young people sit down to a three-course meal. The café also offers the chance for useful volunteering experience for young people, as recently four young people did their Duke of Edinburgh Award Bronze/Silver volunteering with HitB.
Other activities organised by HiTB include free half term and holiday activities and workshops either in the café or at other Sevenoaks Town Council facilities. HiTB also partners with Sevenoaks District Council, West Kent Housing and other organizations. November saw the Skateness event at Greatness Skatepark, which had all three sessions fully booked. This was a partnership with Sevenoaks District Council and Samsara Sports.
The HiTB partnership with West Kent Housing includes weekly visits from their lead detached youth worker. Andy Watson, Kenward Trust’s detached youth worker, also visited on three occasions to deliver information and advice around making good choices as well as drug/alcohol/vaping advice. Levi Lee from Sevenoaks Area Youth Trust has also started regular visits to HiTB.
And Sevenoaks Youth Council met at HitB on 13 November with 12 young councillors attending which led to one of the liveliest debate and council meetings in recent years on several topics as well as youth council elections for 2025. The youth club website gives details of opening hours and different clubs like the welcoming and inclusive SEN Club on Tuesdays at 5-8pm, Moving Forward group for young people not in education, employment or training, and free half-term and holiday activities.

For opening times please check the website: If you would like to come along to one of these sessions please email: HiTB is in the basement of the STAG Community Arts Centre, London Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1ZZ. It is a fully accessible site with a ramp for wheelchair users to gain access to the building. Refreshments and snacks are available on site.