Sevenoaks Town Council Grant Information

The Town Council wishes to assist approved Local Voluntary or Charitable Bodies which provide services to residents within the Parish of Sevenoaks by making them grants or loans. Applications must be supported by financial statements and/or balance sheets over the previous two years, or business plan as appropriate. 

The Council has various powers under which it can fund organisations by way of a grant. The Council can also make grants at its discretion to various organisations provided that the grant will be spent for the benefit of Sevenoaks Town area or its residents. Please refer to the maps attached to the application form – pages 5 and 6. The amount of the grant must be in proportion to that benefit.

NB – Grant recipients will be asked to provide a stand and or presentation at the Annual Town Meeting on Monday 14th March 2022 at 7pm (at the Bat & Ball Centre) to demonstrate to the general public how the grant funds have been spent and the benefits accrued.

Aims of the Grant Scheme 


  • To encourage and support the activities of voluntary organisations within Sevenoaks Town
  • To promote new community initiatives where real additional benefits are offered to the community
The Grant Scheme is to support projects at local level so applications benefiting the town area will be given priority.

Who can Apply?

  • Any organisation which provides services that will directly benefit the area and residents of Sevenoaks Town. Wards: Town, Kippington, St Johns, Eastern, Wilderness and Northern
  • Is independently established for charitable, benevolent or philanthropic purposes
  • Has a written document setting out its aims and objectives

Examples of what the Grant Scheme might support 

  • Equipment
  • Training
  • Hire of Premises
  • Information or publicity
  • Other project costs
  • Start-up or development costs for new community groups


Applications for the tax year 1st April xx to 31st March xx will normally be considered only in September and February/March

  • Please advise which tax year the money is to be used by you in
  • The deadline for applications is the Wednesday 31st July 2024, for the September 2024 meeting and Friday 20th December 2024, for the February 2025 meeting.
NB: Late applications received after these dates will be reviewed at the following grants meeting.

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