What we do for Sevenoaks town: click on the images below for more information on the services we provide

Sevenoaks Town Council is a ‘Quality Gold’ Council under the Local Council Award Scheme. The Quality Gold Award demonstrates that a council is at the forefront of best practice and achieves excellence in governances, community leadership and council development.

At the NALC national Star Council awards for local councils held in Birmingham on 19 October 2016 Sevenoaks Town Council received the Runners Up Award to Best Council with the following comment:

‘The scale of ambitions for this town council hold no bounds according to the judging panel. It successfully runs a well renowned theatre and cinema in a complex. The venue now underwrites the local economy with 300,000 visitors per year. That venture gave the council confidence to expand further and run bus services, markets and new community facilities.’

During 2016 the Town Council was reaccredited by the Investors in People reflecting its professional leadership, management and delivery of services. Councillors continue to be committed to providing the finest services and best value for money for residents in spite of the challenges posed by the current economic climate.
Sevenoaks Town Council has active partnerships with the District and County Councils and lobbies central government through the National Association of Local Councils for the benefit of local electors and businesses. It also monitors Government legislation being passed which directly affects the third tier of Government and local communities and will adopt any new policies and powers available for the enhancement of Sevenoaks Town.

Sevenoaks Town Council has weekly meetings at the Town Council offices in Bradbourne Vale Road which the public are warmly invited to attend to ensure the Council is performing. These meetings are posted on our website and in the Public Notice section of the local paper.

Click on the images below for more information on the services we provide:

The Town Crier Newsletter

Staff information & vacancies
Freedom of Information

Premises Licensing
Wards & Parish Boundary
General Data Protection Regulation

Neighbourhood Development Plan
Tender information & contracts awarded
Youth Council