PRESS RELEASE Outgoing Mayor, Cllr Claire Shea, presents Awards and Fundraising Cheques at the end of her Civic Year
Published: 28 May 2024
Outgoing Mayor, Cllr Claire Shea, presents Awards and Fundraising Cheques at the end of her Civic Year
At the Sevenoaks Town Council meeting held on 13th May 2024, the Outgoing Mayor, Cllr Claire Shea, presented the Mayor’s Award for 2023 / 24 to James Ball, road safety campaigner. The Mayor’s Award was introduced in 2014 and is presented each year to recognise the contribution of people who voluntarily provide time and resources for the benefit of the community of Sevenoaks.
An Award was also present to the outgoing Mayor’s Cadet, POC Scarlet Burgess for her support to the Mayor during the Civic Year.
During her year as Mayor, Cllr Claire Shea has worked hard to raise awareness and raise funds for her two nominated charities – Sevenoaks Welcomes Refugees and Sevenoaks Larder. On Monday evening there was a presentation of the following cheques of £12,665.50 to Sevenoaks Welcome Refugees (£10,000 raised at the recent Stag Concert)
And £2,665.50 to Sevenoaks Larder in addition to collections of food produce during the year were presented.
The Mayor attended in excess of 130 events during her year of office including numerous visits to local schools and care homes in the town. The Mayor also actively supported the creative arts and local community groups and organisations.
Significant events that the Mayor has supported and encouraged include an International Women’s Day lunch facilitating girls from Sevenoaks schools to meet and chat to business women and listen to presentations from inspiring speakers.
The Mayor, together with fellow Councillors, also made two promotional videos to promote and secure the acquisition of Longspring Wood for the townspeople of Sevenoaks
Cllr Claire Shea said: “It has been a true privilege to be part of the life of the town as Mayor this year. I have met some wonderful people, and seen great companies, schools and charities working hard for all our residents.
As a council, I am especially proud of the work we have done this year to move forwards on projects from the Neighbourhood Plan, such as our current masterplanning work for the town centre and speed reduction. The remarkable support for our town purchase of Longspring Woods outstripped all expectations, and we look forward to sharing the woods with you very soon. Other green initiatives like our new Sevenoaks Town Council Car Club are just the beginning of the plans we have for sustainability in the town.
Sevenoaks Welcomes Refugees and Sevenoaks Larder are important, locally created and run charities who I have enjoyed fundraising for this year. I wish them every success going forwards."