PRESS RELEASE: Sevenoaks Town Council to commence discussions for Oast House to be used as a Community Hub
Published: 31 October 2023
Sevenoaks Town Council is of the opinion that the planned development on the current Tarmac site should have a building as a Community Hub.
The Community Hub needs to be in central area and retained appropriately to enable mixed community use and central local meeting place for children’s parties and community events, etc.
Also, the area around it maintained to provide a community focus e.g., similar to Bat & Ball Centre venue and quality. The current Oast House offers the potential to be developed and created into a Community Hub for the locality. Some of the space could also be potentially used as part commercial e.g., one stop shop for the local community. A Feasibility Study and Consultation will be undertaken in due course.
At this stage Sevenoaks Town Council has Resolved to formally request Tarmac to provide the Oast House building as a Community Hub to the Town Council and Heads of Terms are prepared including a 25-year peppercorn lease.
Cllr David Skinner, OBE, Chair of Community Infrastructure Committee said: “It is hoped that the heritage building will be given a new lease of life and be of valuable community use for generations to come”