PRESS RELEASE: Armed Forces Day 2020
Published: 29 June 2020
On Saturday 27 June, the Mayor of Sevenoaks, Cllr Nicholas Busvine, OBE, attended the raising of the Armed Forces Day flag at The Vine in Sevenoaks.
Following a 2 minute silence, the Mayor, witnessed by the Town Clerk, Linda Larter, MBE, signed the Armed Forces Covenant on behalf of Sevenoaks Town Council.
The Mayor said: “It is always a privilege to have the chance to take the opportunity on Armed Forces Day to offer thanks on behalf of our local community for the wonderful work these brave men and women undertake every day on our behalf. In particular, I would like to acknowledge the extraordinary work done during the Covid-19 pandemic, including: the creation of the Nightingale Hospitals; the establishment of military mobile Coronavirus testing units; direct support to the ambulance services; and delivery of PPE. Thank you for your brilliant contribution.”